Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I have not posted in a long time.  I wish I could say that it's because I've been super busy and very productive in getting things done.  However, that is not totally the case.  We have been doing some work around the house, but honestly, I've just been a bit lazy lately because I'm somewhat uncomfortable and also because I'm anticipating that I won't have much time to relax in the upcoming weeks.  So, here's an update of some things that have been going on. 

Around 35 weeks, I had my second NST (non-stress test) to monitor the baby's heart rate and activity level.  It was my second test like this.  After leaving me on the monitors for awhile, one of my midwives came in to check the printout from the machine.  She noticed something of concern.  The baby's heart rate was having "v-dips", which literally look like little "v"s on the printout.  She said that this is probably nothing but, due to our circumstances, she wanted to look into it further.  Some possible causes, she explained, were either low fluid levels or a wrapped cord.  As soon as I heard that the cord could be causing issues, I panicked since that is what they think may have contributed to losing Evelyn.  My midwife told me not to freak out, but it was a bit late for that.  They had the nurse call my perinatologist to get an earlier appointment for a scan to check the fluid and the cord.  When the nurse spoke to them, they put me in for the following Thursday...two whole days later!!  There was no way I could sit and wait for that knowing that my baby could be in distress.  After many calls back and forth with my perinatologist's office, I was finally able to get in to see a doctor that day. Turns out, it really was nothing.  The fluid level was great, his cord was not wrapped, and he was head-down, despite the midwife's thoughts that he was breech.  I was so relieved!

My NSTs have continued normally in the weeks following as have all of my follow-up scans.  According to the most recent one (at around 36.5 weeks) the Blah Blu is estimated to weigh 5 lbs. 15 oz.  Since he gains about an ounce a day (or more!) he's probably in the 6.5-7 lb. range now! 

His abdomen, which has previously measured small at the scans, continues to be smaller than the rest of his measurements.  However, there is a pattern of growth so the doctors really aren't concerned and are just continuing to monitor it. 

We get questions all the time about what Blah Blu's real name will be.  The answer is that we don't know yet!  We have narrowed it down to two names: 
Caleb Owen 
Ezra Owen
I think Bob is really leaning more toward Caleb and I'm totally undecided, but I know I like the uniqueness of Ezra.  We both know that we don't want to make the call until we see his sweet little face.  Hopefully, he'll look like a Caleb or an Ezra and we will instantly agree!  Owen will almost definitely be in the middle, however, because we like it with both first names and also because it has a similar meaning to Evelyn's middle name so it's like a little tribute to her.  Evelyn's middle name (Matilda) means "mighty warrior" and Owen translates to "young warrior".  We like that connection and we like the name so it works out well!

We've been busy trying to get the house prepared for the little one's arrival.  Our bedroom has been freshly painted and we (and by we I mean Bob and our good friend Joe) put in closet organizers so that we could eliminate extra furniture and have room for a pack and play.  This time around, I am very hesitant to really set up the house with baby things since we had them all out last time and had to deal with putting them all away.  So, the baby stuff is assembled and ready, but it's all staying in the nursery for now. I'm hoping a sweet family member or friend will help us by getting some things set up while we are in the hospital.

Currently, I'm 37 weeks and 3 days.  I see my midwives again tomorrow and will have another NST.  We have been discussing the possibility of doing an induction at around 39 weeks assuming I don't go into labor before then.  Inductions scare me because I really want the birth to be as natural as possible.  I totally trust my midwives, however, and they have committed to helping me get induced with the least invasive procedures possible.  I have confidence that they have my best interest at heart and I know that, in the long run, my goal is a healthy baby! 

That's about all for now!  It's crazy to think that he'll be here in about 2 weeks!