Monday, July 18, 2011

Size matters!

Sorry...the title of the post was the first thing that came to mind when thinking about what I was going to write.  Let me explain.

We went to our perinatologist (a specialist in high-risk pregnancies) last week for our regular check up.  She sees us about every 6 weeks or so.  Everything went well and we saw Baby Boy's heart beating away and we even got to see him practice his breathing.

(Yes, they actually do this while still in the womb.  It's done by swallowing small amounts of amniotic fluid and it works their diaphragm to give them the same exercise as breathing would.  But,  back to the topic at hand...).

We were about to check out and schedule our next appointment for six weeks later when our doctor came out to see us again.  She double checked on the due date that we were using and said that she was slightly concerned  because the baby's weight is actually about 12-14 days behind schedule (He was about 1 lb and 12 oz, by the way).  Really?  You drop this on me as I was about to walk out the door?  Way to make me all nervous!  Anyway, she said that she'd like to see us in 3 weeks instead of 6 so that she could do another scan to check for progress.  As long as there is growth, there shouldn't be anything to worry about and she said that 3 weeks should be enough time to see the changes.

Of course, I'm worried.  Who wouldn't be?  I've consulted Dr. Google and most sites indicate that our baby's weight is right on target with his age but perhaps a little on the low side.  Still, it's nerve-racking.  We were supposed to be seeing this perinatologist just as a super precaution because nothing was anticipated to be any different with this pregnancy as with any other normal, healthy woman's pregnancy.  I'm glad she's checking into it further, though.

I've been trying to up my protein intake to help boost the baby's weight.  I'm also constantly reminding myself that the weights they give us are just estimates based on some measurements and they can be really off.  Also, Bob is trying to reassure me that she sounded like she was a bit confused about how far along I am even though she asked for our due date.  It has to do with something she said in the appointment.

Anyway, there are a number of things that it could be and I'm trying not to freak out and to do what I can to help this baby grow.  I'm thankful to be seeing my midwives next week and I'm hoping that they can put my mind at ease a bit.

To close it off, even if Baby Boy hasn't been growing as much as he should, which is still up for debate, I certainly have continued to grow.  Here are a few shots from the wedding that Bob was in a couple weekends ago for our good friends John and Victoria.  I'm 26 weeks in the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Sending positive energy your way! Thanks for being an amazing friend!
