Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two Furry Reasons to Smile

These are just for fun.  It's nice to get a good laugh every once in a while and my sweet kitties are a constant source of entertainment.

Here are Stella (left) and Nova -short for Casanova- (right).   They are good at being cute and deceptively innocent.

Here's Stella.  We haven't quite figured out what she's trying to do here...but it's hysterical regardless.

And then there was the time that we were "fish-sitting" while our neighbors were away.  Don't worry, shortly after this photo was taken, the fish were moved safely into an upstairs bedroom with the door shut. Stella is certainly the trouble maker of the two.

One last funny shot of her (because we literally have hundreds!).

Nova is, shall we say, the less-bright of the pair and he is most-certainly on the lazier side.  He is significantly larger despite the fact that him and Stella are litter-mates. 

Bob is an Eagles fan so I really can't remember how or why we wound up with a Steeler's Terrible Towel.  But, Nova seemed to like it.

Ok, last one.  This video cracks me up.  When Nova actually gets into playing, he's like a kitten again.  Note:  Don't worry, we were standing very close to him to make sure that he did not fall down the steps!

These kitties bring a smile to my face even on my darkest days.  Love them!!


  1. I loved Stella playing in the food dish - wonder what she was doing - funny anyway. And your Nova running in circles - he was great at that and didn't hit his head on the door jam Cats are soooo coordinated!
    Thanks for sharing - I loved my tuxedo cat Fluffy too. Seems like the boys are always bigger than the girls ... :)

  2. What cute kitties! I loved the videos. He must have seen a ghost in the first one!
