Friday, August 19, 2011

Update on Blah Blu and Some New Pictures!

First off, I'm sorry that it has been so long since I posted.  I have been meaning to update.

If you don't recall, here's the back story regarding our appointment at the perinatologist's office:  At my appointment a few weeks ago, the doctor mentioned that the baby was measuring a bit smaller than she'd like, so she asked that I come back sooner (3 weeks instead of 6) to monitor his growth.  The full story can be read here.

After that appointment, I met with our midwives.  They were very reassuring and told me that he was not small overall, but rather that one measurement that was taken brought his percentile ranking down.  The small measurement was his abdomen and they reassured me that, as long as growth was seen, it wasn't really a concern because all babies grow in different patterns. They also suggested that there is a margin of error and that the measurement taken was not indicative of anything on it's own...they would need to see a pattern before getting concerned.

I found out at my follow-up that the original abdomen measurement put that part in the 9th percentile amongst other babies at the same gestational age.  The doctors would like to see all measurements hit above the 10th percentile because that is the lower end of the range that is considered "normal".   When they remeasured his little belly, it was found that at he was still on the small side but measured around the 15th percentile this time, so he was above that 10th percentile mark. He also mentioned that Blah Blu was estimated to weigh around 3lbs!  The doctor seemed pleased with those results and is having me back again in 3 week intervals to continue to monitor the situation.

At that same appointment, I got to have a glimpse of our little boy as is typical because they do a scan each time. It is always fun to see him happily moving around in there.  Then the tech surprised me by switching to the 3D want so I got a great view of his little face.  Unfortunately, Bob couldn't make it to the appointment that day and he was very disappointed that he missed the 3D scan.  Luckily, they did print out some 3D shots to share with him at home.  Not a substitution for the real thing, but I'm glad that he got to see him.  It was such a cool experience!

Without further ado, here he is at nearly 30 weeks gestation.

Up first is the 2D profile shot:
And here is his adorable (if I do say so myself!) 3D photo:

Lastly, here are some belly photos that Bob took while we were on vacation a week or so ago.  I was about 31 weeks along when they were taken.

 The water was a bit colder than expected!  :-)

Thanks for stopping by! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well! Your maternity photos are beautiful!
