Yesterday was the 2011 Tears Foundation Rock and Walk in NJ.
Bob and I first came in contact with this group after losing Evelyn. Their goal is to help families compassionately remember their babies who have passed away between the ages of 20 weeks gestation and 1 year. Many don't realize how much of a financial burden it can be to give an honorable funeral for a baby who as passed. We were fortunate enough to have the help of family and a local funeral home after we lost Evelyn, but our circumstances are not universal. Many cannot afford headstones to denote their child's name in the cemetery or costs of cremation may be out of their reach. After enduring such a traumatic loss, for many families, the thought of not being able to honor their children is a terrible thing to go through.
The worst fear of many parents is that their child will not be remembered. Tears helps to ensure that they are honorably remembered and provides support groups for parents to come and share their stories and grief with other parents who have been through similar circumstances.
The support and friendship that Bob and I have found in our local group has been invaluable in our journey through grief and loss. They helped us to know that we are not alone and that there is hope at the end of the long and hard journey.
Now, Bob and I have the wonderful opportunity of sharing our current pregnancy with our friends in Tears. They understand how hard and emotional a subsequent pregnancy can be and have been very supportive. In this circle we call these babies that come after a loss Rainbow Babies. They are the rainbow that appears after the storm and, for many, they are the light at the end of the tunnel.
I want to thank everyone who supported us in our effort to always remember Evelyn! You have all helped us more than you can ever know! We love you!!
So, although it was gray, chilly, and emotional, it was a beautiful day. Here are some of my favorite shots for the day. They were taken by Bob's sister, Bob's step-mother, and another father of an angel.
The boardwalk was lined with butterflies with each of the babies' names.
I apologize for my hair...the weather was not conducive! :)
Here is most of Team Evelyn Matilda.
Seeing the kiddos wear Evelyn's name made my heart melt.
Here is Pop Pop proudly wearing his youngest grand-daughter's name while carrying his oldest granddaughter.
And lastly, here is Bob and another member of our Tears group hugging after we were given Evelyn's buttefly.
Thank you to everyone again! Hopefully next year we will have some sunshine and our rainbow!!
Just catching up on your posts.. So glad to have been there. It was a sad, tearful, yet beautiful day.