Written on April 1st, 2011:
Well, it's been a while since I've updated on the current state of our little Sweet Pea. Currently, I am one day shy of the 12 week mark in the pregnancy and feeling very good. My nausea has pretty much disappeared and only reoccurs for short bursts once in a blue moon. My hips are beginning to get sore from sleeping on my side, but that part of my body has always been very sensitive. There's been some pulling and stretching sensations in my lower abdomen that I can only assume is because my uterus is expanding to make more room for our growing Sweet Pea.
I may be calling this little one Sweet Pea, but in reality our little one is much bigger than that small green vegetable. Starting at 12 weeks, the baby is about the size of a plum. At over 2 inches and weighing in at almost 0.5 oz there's a lot of growing going on in there! That may sound small (and it is!) but considering that this baby started off as nothing but a bunch of cells, that growth is huge!!
This pregnancy has not been all lollipops and sunshine, however. I anticipated that it would be hard emotionally, and I was absolutely correct. I worry constantly that something is wrong. When my nausea disappeared so quickly, I freaked out. Luckily, Bob called the midwives for me and they brought me in for a quick scan to check on our little one. This was last Friday at 11 weeks. We got to see his/her heart beating strongly and even saw the cord pulsing (how cool?!?). It was a huge relief, but honestly I don't think I'll feel 100% comfortable until we have our baby here in our arms and we know that he/she is healthy.
Even though, I've been referring to our baby as Sweet Pea, there are some other family members who have a different idea of what to call this little one. When Bob's sister asked her daughter Abby (our niece) what we should name the baby she suggested "Blah Blu." She's 3 and a half, so to her that might be the perfect name. We think it's absolutely adorable and have intermittently been using that moniker to refer to the baby as well.
The name topic has definitely been broached at this house. Bob is not big on discussing names until we find out the gender. We still have a few weeks (between 4 and 8 weeks) before that happens so I just keep on adding to my list. Girls names are so much easier to come up with than boys names!
As for whats up and coming for baby and me. We have our first specialist appointment on Monday (4/4) and then on Tuesday we see our midwives again. I will update with any news from those appointments after they happen.
That's all that's going on for now. Hoping for a joyful and otherwise uneventful appointment on Monday!
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