Friday, May 13, 2011


Ok, here it is...the first of the aforementioned saved-up pregnancy posts.  Enjoy!

Written on February 7, 2011:

Well, the morning of February 7th, 2011 started off with this...

If you've ever tried to read a pregnancy test with hopeful eyes, you know that those eyes can be deceiving.  The longer you stare at the test, the more difficult it becomes to decide if you are seeing one line or two.  (For those who aren't "in the know" about pregnancy tests, 2 lines = pregnant, no matter how dark the lines are.)

After Bob and I both stared at the strip for quite some time, I swore that I saw two lines...but was uneasy because I had  dropped the test on the floor, wiggled it about, and held it by the "wrong" end waited longer than directed to read the results.  (Again, for pregnancy-test-beginners, if you wait too long after taking the test to read it, you wind up with an evaporation line which could make you think that you're pregnant even if you're not.)

So, what did I do?  I took another one, of course, and compared it to the first.  I'd never used this brand of test before and even the control line was coming up very light.  Again, those deceptive eyes came into play and neither Bob or myself could determine if there were two lines there.

Ok, enough was enough already for me.  I called my midwives and basically begged them to find the fastest way for me to get a reliable result.  (Since they've been seeing me since before concieving Evelyn, they understood my insane anxiety to know the actual results).  They sent me off to Lab Corp. for a blood test.

I pretty much lost it at Lab Corp. and tried to explain through my sobs to the very nice lab assistants there the reason why this test had me all in a tizzy.  They assured me that it would take no more than 24 hours for the results.  Yes, 24 HOURS!!!  How could I wait that long??

Well, the truth is that I couldn't wait that long.  I went to Target on my way home and picked up not one, but two different types of pregnancy tests to try get some real results and ease my mind a bit.  (Sidenote - Bob definitely thought I was insane for spending another $20 on tests, but my peace of mind was worth it, right?!?)

No sooner did I walk in the door at home did I find myself in the bathroom taking a third pregnancy test for the day.  This time it was a First Response test, which happens to be the same type test that I got my positive results during my first pregnancy.  I sat there and stared at the test nervously waiting to see what would happen.  Here is what I saw...

That's right 2, count 'em, 2 pink lines!  They showed up within two minutes of taking the test. We're very much PREGNANT.  It feels totally weird, yet exhilarating to type that! we should be getting the same results tomorrow from the blood test along with my hcg and progesterone levels. 

We both have a ton of emotions running through us right now, not the least of which is excitement.  However, I'll save that up for another post because right now, I just want to enjoy the thrill and excitement of today.

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