Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day can be a sticky subject for those who have lost a child.  Many feel sadness, and rightfully so, on this holiday.  While I totally understand this reaction, for me it is a positive memory that I have with Evelyn.

Many people consider your first Mother's Day the first year that you celebrate with your child present in your arms.  However, based on this view point, I would not be considered a mother and to this I definitely take exception.  Even while babies are in the womb, mothers are nurturing them with the food they eat, the songs they sing, and the gentle rub of their bellies to feel their baby move.  I was lucky enough to spend one Mother's Day with Evelyn while she was still living and, for that reason, I cherish this holiday and celebrate that I got to spend time with my daughter even if she was not in my arms.

This Mother's Day was very special because it is my first that I got to celebrate while being a mother of two.  That's right, you read that correctly...TWO!  That is the news that I've been waiting to share. I have a few posts that I've saved up that I wrote during the earlier stages of pregnancy when I wasn't comfortable sharing the news.  Each one has the date indicated at the top to give a time frame as to where I was in my pregnancy.

I was hesitant to share the news because I know there are still a couple of good friends that we have not told yet.  Not because we don't want them to know, but because we were waiting to share the news in person and we really don't see some of them very often (unfortunately).  So, if you are one of these friends, I apologize profusely and I hope that you are not offended to find out in this manner.  We'll make it up to you and buy you dinner or ice cream or something.  That being said, I'm pretty sure no one reads this. ;)

Currently, I am 17 weeks and 3 days along with our second baby and this baby is expected to arrive sometime around October 15th.  Bob and I are excited and cautiously optimistic for a positive outcome this time around.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all had a very happy Mother's Day!


  1. I read this, and I want some ice cream even though I already knew. :-D

  2. Somehow I had a feeling that you might say that. :)
