Monday, May 16, 2011


Written on March 10th, 2011:

When I posted about getting the results of the autopsy report at our midwife appointment, I (purposely) neglected to mention that the other purpose of the appointment was to check on our new little one.  I know that it was mean and cruel not to mention it,  but as I'm writing this I haven't even announced our pregnancy to family and friends in person, much less over a blog.  As you've witnessed, I'm saving up the entries about this new pregnancy and will be posting them when we feel the time is right for the big reveal.

Anyway, back to the appointment.

Knowing that I was neurotic very nervous about seeing the baby and his/her beautifully beating heart, my midwife obliged and did an ultrasound first thing in the appointment. We were able to see our little Sweet Pea all comfy and cozy with a wonderful heartbeat. That made the rest of the not-so-pleasant exam much more bearable!

Based on my last period, our due date is October 15, although I believe it to be closer to October 19 because I tend to ovulate later in my cycle than most.  Doesn't really matter anyway since the baby really has no idea about this specified date and will come whenever he/she wants to make his/her presence known.
(Gosh it's annoying not being able to use the appropriate pronoun!)

Lately, my nausea comes and goes in waves and varies day by day.  I've been very lucky that it really hasn't been too bad even at it's worst and I haven't had any vomiting at all.

I'm planning on making our appointment with our specialist soon and will probably see her within the next 3-4 weeks.

That's about all the updates for now.  I will try to post some ultra sound pictures soon!

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